
Next-Gen Farming

What is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics means “working water” (hydro means water and ponos means labor). Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. It is also known as ‘Soil less’ farming. 

How does it work?

Hydroponics uses water as a medium to grow plants. The water is mixed with the nutrients which support the growth of the plants. Plants are produced in a channel where water is circulated regularly using a low-energy submersible pump. water is pumped to the plant from a reservoir.


Hydroponics plants are grown in nutrient water circulated from the reservoir to the channel where there is less or no wastage of water. Hydroponic products are fast-growing when compared to plants that are grown in soil. Since the plants are grown in a controlled environment there are fewer chances of insect and pest attacks. 

What you can Grow?

You can grow selected varieties of Leafy Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits, and vegetables in a Hydroponics systems